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Market Analysis Report - Preparing Children at Home for MR Scanning

Market Analysis Report on COSMO@Home – Preparing Children at Home for MR Scanning; a COSMOnautic Virtual Reality Fairy Tale

This report summarizes the results of stakeholder analysis for the EIT-COSMO@home project. This analysis consisted of three steps:

• First, relevant stakeholders were identified, distinguishing between users (e.g., patients, child life specialists) and decision-making units (DMUs, e.g., radiology managers) in three levels: the target group, primary influencers, and secondary influencers.

• Next, we engaged with stakeholders from the target group and primary influencers (pediatric patients & their parents, MR Technologists, Radiologists, heads of (pediatric) radiology, C-suite members, Child Life Specialists, and referring physicians).

• Finally, we conducted an extensive literature review and created a competitor overview to understand better how our proposed solution compares to existing solutions.