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2017 EIT Alumni highlights

EIT Alumni

Read about their events and much more in the 2017 EIT Alumni Community Yearbook!


The yearbook looks at some of their highlights of the year, including the annual events of the Alumni Communities, EIT Alumni Connect 2017 and an exclusive interview with the founders of Women@EIT.

The last day of 2017 marked the end of the second year of an EIT Alumni Community guided by the EIT Alumni Board. As ever, the community continued to expand, as more EIT Label students graduate from their degrees and join the global network of EIT Alumni.

About the EIT Alumni

The EIT Alumni Community is a community for all EIT students and alumni, regardless of what Innovation Community you belong to, what area you specialise in, or what part of the world you live in. Be part of this exciting community, find opportunities from all over Europe (and beyond), and learn, create and be a change agent!

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