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The EIT has launched a traineeship scheme!

Want to help make innovation happen in Europe? Be a part of the EIT Traineeship Scheme!

Traineeships at the EIT are addressed mainly to young university graduates, without excluding those who - in the framework of lifelong learning - have recently obtained a university diploma and are at the begining of a new professional career.

The aim of traineeships at the EIT is to:

  • Provide trainees with an understanding of the objectives and activities of the EIT.
  • Enable trainees to acquire practical experience and knowledge of the day-to-day work at the EIT Headquarters
  • Promote European integration through active participation.
  • Enable trainees to put into practice knowledge acquired during their studies, and in particular in their specific areas of competence.

So, if you would like to be a part of the team in Budapest take a look at the calls for application on the Careers page!