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10 EIT Community innovators listed on 2022 Global Cleantech 100

Last week, the Cleantech Group unveiled its annual and prestigious Global Cleantech 100 list. 10 innovators part of the EIT Community have been included in this prestigious list.

The Global Cleantech 100 list brings together the most innovative and promising ideas ready to change the market and the future of global industries in the next five to ten years. the list represents a group of private companies having the same goals as the Clentech Group: more digitized, de-carbonized and resource-efficient industrial future. The Global Cleantech 100 for 2022 includes innovations supported by EIT Digital, EIT Climate-KIC, EIT Food and EIT InnoEnergy.


METRON aims to transform energy into a profit centre in the industrial sector. It has developed an energy intelligence AI-driven platform dedicated to the industrial sector. The METRON-EVA® Factory (Energy Virtual Assistant) platform leverages the multiple data sources already available in plants and takes advantage of advanced technologies to proactively identify energy optimisation opportunities and connect to decentralised energy assets.

Supported by EIT Digital

EIT Digital Accelerator alumnus Metron raised EUR 10 million funding

Skeleton Technologies

Skeleton Technologies delivers high power, high energy, reliable and long-life storage solutions across industries. Their high-performance and long-lasting new-generation batteries (ultracapacitors) are revolutionising the market, delivering twice the energy density of the most advanced devices produced by competitors. Recharged in less than two seconds, with a lifetime of more than one million uses (against the 3 000 typical of traditional batteries), these patented raw material, ‘curved graphene’ ultracapacitors are a true game-changing innovation. 

Supported by EIT InnoEnergy


Read about our success story - Skeleton Technologies



Tado° is an intelligent climate control. A developer of smart radiator thermostats, tado's products connect to the internet and control your heating system or radiators, detect where residents currently are and control the temperature accordingly, taking into account both current weather forecasting data and building characteristics. With its fully automatic climate control, tado° not only makes everyday life easier, but also makes your home more comfortable, while helping you to save money and energy.

Supported by EIT Climate-KIC

Explore our success story - Tado°


Swiss start-up Climeworks aims to play a major role in achieving the goal of the European Union to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% (from 1990 levels). The company, which Bill Gates recently named one of 10 breakthrough technologies, captures carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air before repurposing it. In Switzerland, for instance, one plant sells the CO2 to the soft-drinks industry.

Supported by EIT Climate-KIC

Check out Climeworks success story

Mosa Meat

Mosa Meat produces beef by growing it directly from animal cells. Presenting the world's first cultivated hamburger in 2013 (costing EUR 250.000), our team inspired a cellular agriculture industry, where 70+ companies worldwide now grow meat and seafood in a more efficient, sustainable way. Our team of 44 scientists, engineers and food lovers, is optimizing taste, cost, and a scaled production process, to ultimately reshape the global food system.

Supported by EIT Food

Read more about EIT Food-supported innovation Mosa Meat

H2 Green Steel

H2 Green Steel has been supported by EIT InnoEnergy since its launch last year and is one of the flagship project under the European Green Hydrogen Acceleration Center (EGHAC). The industrial initiative will build the world’s first large-scale fossil-free steel plant in Boden-Luleå, north Sweden, using green hydrogen.

Supported by EIT InnoEnergy

Check it out here


TWAICE’s software creates a unique “digital twin” of battery systems. It can be used to make precise analyses and predictions about the ‘health’ of each energy storage device. By using field data in combination with physical and data-driven battery models, TWAICE closes the loop between product development and application. But, even more so, the software also allows for new opportunities such as predictive maintenance and warranty extension. Operational failures can be detected—and prevented—in real time.

Supported by EIT Climate-KIC

TWAICE raises EUR 11 million series A to power internationalisation efforts and scaling


Prolupin   produces   unique,   premium   lupine-based   proteins  through  our  patented  extraction  process.  Our  mission  is  to  contribute  to  a  more  sustainable  food consumption by enhancing people’s and planet’s health   and   by   providing   high-value   plant-based   protein   alternatives.   Our   local   sourceable   protein   alternatives ignite the acceptance and usage without any compromise on sensorial requirements.

Supported by EIT food

Learn more about Prolupin here


Piclo is a peer-to-peer marketplace enabling customers to buy and sell renewable energy, bypassing energy companies who act in their own best interest and allowing consumers to buy their energy directly from independent renewable generators.

Piclo is supported by EIT Climate-KIC

3 UK Climate-KIC start-ups shortlisted for New Energy & Cleantech Awards 2015


EnginZyme is unlocking the potential of enzymes for better food and chemicals with their new technology platform. We produce chemicals that are cost-efficient, sustainable and scalable, either alone or with partners. The aim is to commercialise novel products starting in 2023. The research is focused on the broad efficient utilisation of enzymes for better chemicals. Founded and located in Sweden, we build relations with chemical industry partners across the globe.

Supported by EIT Food

Read more on EnginZyme here