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Analysis of the current ecosystem and future trends in which Energy agencies are operating on EU level - Deliverable 1

With releasing the European Green Deal in September 2020 the EU proposed highly ambitions actions across all sectors that will enable the EU to move towards a climate-neutral economy. First climate action initiatives under the Green Deal were European Climate Law, European Climate Pack and 2030 Climate Target Plan. Moreover, the Commission wants to adopt a new, more ambitious EU strategy on adaptation to climate change to strengthen efforts on climateproofing, resilience building, prevention ad preparedness. This will be a challenging time for cities as they will have to adapt to new strategies and implement new, more ambitious measures. Thus, the aim of Transform4Climate is to develop a capacity-building program to empower cities trough the work of their Energy Agencies, to achieve the necessary steps in their path towards decarbonisation. The analysis of the current ecosystem and future trends in which Energy Agencies are operating at an EU level is a crucial part of the project, as it will serve as the foundation on which the scope of the adjustment and transformation will be built.