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EIT Health Think Tank- Healthcare Workforce and Organisational Transformation with AI

The EIT Health 2020 Think Tank Round Table Series chose to discuss the topic ‘Healthcare Workforce and Organisational Transformation with Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Enacting Change’. The objective was to look further into the findings of the joint EIT Health and McKinsey & Company report, ‘Transforming healthcare with AI: the impact on the workforce and organisations’, published in March 2020.

That report took a broad pan-European perspective of AI integration into healthcare, identifying levers for change in terms of workforce adaptations, infrastructure changes and the broader healthcare environment. The 2020 Round Table Series aimed to further explore the practical applicability of these findings at a Member State level and to propose recommendations across six domains (clinical leadership; education and skills; liability and managing risk; regulation and policymaking; strengthening data quality, governance, security and interoperability; funding and reimbursement) for the changes that need to be driven at a national and EU level in order to achieve this necessary transformation.