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Report on the Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Module and Indicator Development with SATURN, SuSMo and ACTonNBS

In working with the different projects (SATURN, SUSMO, ACTonNBS)1 under MOTION, different research steps have been taken for formative evaluation as part of the MEL phase. These research steps are not only methodologically different, but also set different priorities and are therefore at different stages of implementation. To this end, the different research approaches used in each project are described individually in this report. Nevertheless, all approaches draw on the concept of Transformative Outcomes (Ghosh et al. 2020), share an overarching module-based approach (Figure 1), and are based on the Evaluation Principles for Transformative Innovation Policy (TIP) (Molas-Gallart et al. 2020). The final chapter “General discussion and conclusion” reflects on the commonalities, opportunities, constraints and conceptual ambiguities between them.