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EIT @ The Brussels Times online event: The use of tech for a better world


How can new technology best be applied to advance UN development goals?

How can international organisations promote the use of technology in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals? Join The Brussels Times for an online event on 8 July to hear from the experts and get involved in the debate.

The latest progress report on the >17 goals, adopted by the UN in 2015 to end extreme poverty, violent conflict, and environmental destruction, highlights an urgent need to act. Progress has been patchy, and has even reversed in some areas, with climate change occurring much faster than anticipated, and inequality continuing to increase within and among countries.

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic could push tens of millions of people back into extreme poverty and hunger, and it risks reversing the progress that has been achieved in areas such as environmental protection.

Decisive international action is required to turn this situation around. How can international organisations help to drive and federate efforts? And how can we best make use of technology to achieve progress on all 17 goals?


  • Marton Herczeg: Head of Strategy and Impact Unit of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
  • Dorothy Gordon: Chair of the UNESCO Information For All Programme and Board Member of the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education
  • Ethel Tan: Policy Advisor for Technology and Regulatory Issues, OECD
  • Moctar Yedaly: Head of Information Society, African Union
  • Abraham Liu: Chief Representative to the EU Institutions, HUAWEI

You can follow along with the discussions on The Brussels Times website