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Trondheim Climathon: Climate Smart Through The Use Of Data


Help Trondheim become climate smart through the use of data!

Carbon Track and Trace: Measuring real-time greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector
Trondheim City has a target to reduce CO2 emissions from transport 20% by 2020. The major challenge they face to achieve this goal is the City’s lack of recent data on transport-related greenhouse gas emissions. Climate-KIC are arranging a Climathon, in collaboration with Nordic partner NTNU and Trondheim City, which will give participants an opportunity to hack new open-source hardware and software to measure street-level emissions.

The 24-hour hackathon will focus on these three challenges:

Hardware: Existing sensor systems are expensive, so can we build cheaper, open source sensor systems?

Software: How can you use existing open data sets to calibrate and check official reported emissions to understand city emisions better?

Planning and policy: How can the data from ground-level emissions sensors be integrated and used to drive change?

Attendees will develop ideas. NTNU and Trondheim City will provide the workspace, free coffee and food, access to 3D printers, sensors, data, hardware, mentors and experts.

If you are interested in participating, please sign up here .  Attendance is free of charge.

Organised by

NTNU Accel and Climate-KIC