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Climate-KIC: Recapping Week 7 on #ClimateJourney16

Climate-KIC: Week seven on the #ClimateJourney16

As our Journey students finish the seventh week of their summer school we take a look back at what they’ve been up to in Trondheim and London. 

More than 220 students from over 45 countries, representing 50 disciplines, are currently taking part in Europe’s largest climate change education programme – the Climate-KIC summer school.

The Journey summer school is an introduction to the world of climate change entrepreneurship. The students learn about making decisions, pushing boundaries, getting out of their comfort zone, improving performance and reinforcing their confidence. Set over 13 locations across Europe, this year’s programme is Climate-KIC’s largest summer school and is divided into six separate groups. Each group travels to three different locations gaining insight and experience from a selection of Europe’s best universities and most innovative businesses. 

After an introduction into climate change and entrepreneurship the students will start work on forming their own climate change business idea. Last week the last two streams of the Journey spent their final week in Trondheim, Norway and London, UK before heading to the West Midlands for their final week on the Journey for 2016. 


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