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EIT adopts joint statement welcoming Digital Education Action Plan of the EU Commission

In January 2018, the European Commission adopted new initiatives to improve key and digital competences of European citizens, to promote common values and inclusion and pupils’ awareness of the functioning of the European Union.

One of the measures proposed is a Digital Education Action Plan which outlines how the EU can help people, educational institutions and education systems better adapt to life and work in an age of rapid digital change by:

  • making better use of digital technology for teaching and learning;
  • developing the digital competences and skills needed for living and working in an age of digital transformation; and
  • improving education through better data analysis and foresight.

The EIT and its Innovation Communities have adopted a joint statement welcoming this Digital Education Action Plan of the European Commission and look forward to supporting the European Commission in its implementation. The EIT Community is ready to offer their wealth of experience in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in education to contribute to successfully achieving this ambitious initiative. 


The EIT, as Europe’s largest Innovation ecosystem, offers a unique model with which to support the development of key skills in Europe. Education and the development of ‘human capital’ with the competences and skills needed to create a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy is central to Europe and the increased ambition of the EIT in this field is at the heart of our draft Strategic Innovation Agenda for 2021 -2027. Since its establishment, the EIT Community and its Innovation Communities have played a key role in this field and therefore have much to offer in support of the Action Plan. 

The EIT Community has prepared and developed four of the actions included in the Digital Education Action. 

You can read the full statement of the EIT and its Innovation Communities here.

Regarding the Digital Education Action Plan, Tibor Navracsics, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: "Europe's education and training systems need to give people from all backgrounds the right competences to progress and prosper professionally, but also enable them to be engaged citizens. We need to harness the potential of education to foster social cohesion and a sense of belonging. To do so, we have to build on our common values and make sure that education enablepupils to experience their European identity in all its diversity, learn more about Europe, about other European countries and about themselves."

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