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Final Women Entrepreneurship Workshop a big success

EIT & EY Women Entrepreneurship Workshop

Saturday 19 November saw the EIT and EY join forces to inspire young girls to take up entrepreneurship and innovation.

The event was held at Kitchen Budapest and was exactly the kind of location that can inspire and spark interest in technology.

Opening the event, Martin Kern, the EIT's Interim Director, told the participants that '[tweetable alt="The future is digital. I encourage all young women to get involved" hashtag="#WomenEntrepreneurs"]the future is digital', and encouraged 'all young women to get involved'[/tweetable]. He pointed out that most entrepreneurs and innovators appear to be men, and the participants of the workshop were the future. He also pointed to the great example shown by the female speakers, all of whom described their own paths in the world of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Over the noise of some innovators testing robots in the background, the nine female speakers provided the young participants with real-life examples of how to get started, the obstacles faced and the rewards of success. 

The difficulties young women face were discussed and advice and inspirational messages were offered. Diana Bata, a creative designer with Vodafone, told the group, ' [tweetable hashtag="#WomenEntrepreneurs"]Trust in yourself. Don't be afraid of what you don't know[/tweetable], because you'll learn the answers and how to overcome the difficulties that come your way.'

Kinga Jentetics, the CEO of PublishDrive, said that '[tweetable hashtag="#WomenEntrepreneurs"]Being an entrepreneur means new challenges every day[/tweetable]. you have to find a safe spot that you can rely on day after day'. Réka Szentesi, the Director of Education at Mod'Art International School of Fashion, said '[tweetable hashtag="#WomenEntrepreneurs"]Don't let prejudices guide your decisions-you can create something valuable[/tweetable]'. Judit Török, the owner of Kuvik, said 'It's important that young girls have the self-confidence to stand up for themselves'.

Strong examples of their routes to success were also offered by Barbara Sterk, a Lecturer at Metropolitan University, Krisztina Ilosfai, co-founder of Miss Planner Budapest; and artists Hanna Tillmann and Anna Fáter.

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