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How Climate KIC UK & Ireland created 20 Pioneers of the new climate economy

Climate-KIC pioneer workshop

20 professionals are now set to innovate for the low carbon economy in the UK and Ireland.

Pioneers into Practice’ brought the 20 together for work experience placements, workshops, networking and training throughout 2016, ending last week.

The program included participants from corporates like Arup, Higher Education institution Warwick University, and entrepreneurs, SMEs, and NGOs.

The highlight of the program saw participants seconded to companies for 4 – 6 weeks to provide practical hands-on experience.

Participants were provided with bespoke mentoring in transitions thinking and system innovation in the area of climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Local businesses also set real climate change challenges relevant to the region, for participants address as individuals and groups.

Pioneers from around Europe joined those in the UK and Ireland mid-program (and vice versa), forging collaborations and sharing expertise and best practice.

Coordinator Ben Onyido said “Since the first intake in 2010 we’ve built a community of pioneers in excess of 150 professionals.”

'If you want to help drive innovation in climate change, sign up to our newsletter to be notified about Pioneers 2017.' 

The programme is free, and Climate KIC UK and Ireland provide grants towards subsistence, travel, accommodation.

For more frequent updates on activities in the UK & Ireland follow the Climate-KIC UK & Ireland FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn accounts.

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