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Results of the Open Public Consultation on the EIT

On 14 April the European Commission launched an open public consultation on the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

The consultation was undertaken in order to provide the Commission with stakeholders' views on EIT's future priority areas and on its role in the European innovation landscape.
The outcome of the public consultation serves as input to the preparatory process of the Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA) and accompanying amended EIT Regulation. The future SIA will also take into account the results of the broader public consultation on the future EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation ('Horizon 2020'), which was launched with the objective of obtaining stakeholder's views on how to make the EU research and innovation funding more effective.
The Commission has received 187 contributions to the consultation on the EIT, 134 of which were submitted via the online questionnaire, and the remaining 53 in the form of written contributions. Contributions were received from a wide range of stakeholder organisations representing in a balanced way the three strands of the knowledge triangle.

View the results of the open consultation