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Cross-KIC Activity on Artificial Intelligence: Key results presentation


On November 30 from 10:00 to 11:30, the EIT Community will gather together for a presentation of key results after the first year of the Cross-KIC Activity on Artificial Intelligence.

The activity aims at positioning the participating Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) and the EIT Community as one of the major players and thought leaders on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Europe and will foster collaboration opportunities between the KICs. The initiative will showcase and disseminate the main achievements of the participating KICs in the area of Artificial Intelligence (Innovation projects, start-ups/scale-ups, education programmes), provide insights for KICs and its partners related to training, development and use of AI,  and engage with other European-wide initiatives and discussions.

The collaborating KICs are: EIT Digital (lead), EIT Climate-KIC, EIT Health, EIT Manufacturing, EIT Urban Mobility, EIT InnoEnergy (from 2021).

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  • Cross-KIC Activity Impact of Artificial Intelligence - Mission and team
  • Educating on AI - How the EIT Community addresses education in AI
  • Leveraging AI - How the EIT Community addresses AI in their business
  • Shaping AI made in Europe - How the EIT Community engages in the discussion
  • Outlook for 2021 - The Topics proposed for next year

For more information and registration form, please visit the dedicated page