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EIT Health: Campus Summer Schools dates announced

EIT Health Summer Schools

Dates set for most EIT Health Campus Summer Schools, and registration is already opening for some of the schools.

The broad range of EIT Health Campus Summer Schools cater to a wide variety of students from various disciplines. It is not necessary to be involved in health sciences, or to be planning a career in healthcare. [tweetable alt="All students are encouraged to investigate the EIT Health Summer Schools, to see if there is one that can help them learn, grow and enhance"]All students are encouraged to investigate the EIT Health Summer Schools, to see if there is one that can help them learn, grow and enhance their career potential.[/tweetable]

The 2018 schools and the dates that they will be held are shown below. Please bear in mind that registration takes place well before the courses begin. Check each course to see which ones have opened up registration.

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