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Go from researcher to creator with EIT Health's BeHealSy

Do you have a biomedical engineering or health systems idea that would benefit from testing in an academic environment?

BeHealSy will give you that environment plus the entrepreneurial skills to turn that idea into a successful business. It's a one-year innovation and entrepreneurship module at the PhD level. You’ll gain multidisciplinary research skills in health systems and the ability to translate research outcomes into the creation of new medical devices, services, and professions for a healthier Europe.

Apply if:

  • You are a healthcare professional, industry employer, or government agency representative with a Master's degree in biomedical engineering or health systems
  • You are a PhD student currently learning biomedical engineering or health systems

The deadline has been extended to 30 April.

Apply here

Huge benefits at no cost

That's right: the programme is free. But if your application is accepted, you'll get:

  • Mobility and placement: You'll undertake industrial visits, get mentoring and entrepreneurship training, and participate in innovation workshops; the courses themselves can be customised to fit your curriculum
  • An internship: You'll get hand-on experience with our partner universities through clinical or SME collaboration
  • Dissemination and commercialisation support: You'll get help turning your research results into business opportunities through our top European partners and leading experts and investors across Europe
  • Prototyping support: After you graduate, you'll be encouraged to take your ideas and prototypes further down the innovation path through EIT Health E-labs or Bootcamps to accelerate the creation of your very own business

Get the EIT Label stamped on your University PhD diploma

The EIT Label is a certificate of quality and excellence for educational programmes that are focused on innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and leadership. EIT-labelled degrees encourage innovative pedagogies and incorporate mandatory mobility schemes for students.

Learn more