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Supported by

EIT Digital  

Nominated for

EIT Innovation Team Award

Team organisations  

University College Dublin (Research)

UCT Prague (Research) 

Biosimulytics (Ireland), is developing a quantum physics-based, AI/ML-powered pharmatech platform to improve the speed, scale, novelty and success rate of drug development. The company has received tremendous support through the EIT Health Mentoring Network, the EIT Digital Innovation Factory, and now the EIC Accelerator. Support covered critical aspects, including expertise and advice, funding, networking, and outreach. 

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We landed our first purchase order from a leading US biotech company at the end of 2022 during our Innovation Factory project to help them in bringing their novel cancer drug to market. The drug molecule was particularly challenging and beyond the capabilities of our competitors to simulate, so our success on this project was a major validation of the power of our breakthrough innovation. We have since gone on to be successfully awarded the EIC Accelerator in June 2023.