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EIT Climate-KIC Open Calls for Decision Metrics and Finance Flagships

EIT Climate-KIC Open Calls for Decision Metrics and Finance Flagships

The flagships Low Carbon City Lab (LoCaL) and Climate Risk Information (CRI) are looking for exciting project proposals to complement existing project suites.


Low Carbon City Lab (LoCaL) will support projects that:

  • Influence the global agenda on unlocking climate finance for cities by providing thought leadership & knowledge related to sustainable urban infrastructure
  • Mobilize cities and the financial sector to develop & implement bankable projects in cities, channel more funds into sustainable infrastructure
  • Develop financial mechanisms dedicated to sustainable infrastructure projects
  • Provide tools to better integrate environmental (including co-benefits of climate action) impact in urban infrastructure projects

Climate Risk Information (CRI) is seeking to support new projects that:

  • Demonstrate the use of climate risk models and data for concrete end-user applications in the following areas: Cities, Land Use and Health
  • Develop an e-marketplace for risk data and models
  • Support enabling activity such as capacity-building and financial innovation

Please express your interest by 9 June 2017.

Deadline for submission 30 June 2017.

Click here to find out more about this call and make an expression of interest.

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