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EIT Health: 3D multispectral camera for skin scanning

EIT Health: 3D multispectral camera for skin scanning

This young start-up designs and produces innovative industrial 3D-vision solutions for teledermatology

TRIDIMEO, one of the winners of the Innovation Journey programme operated by EIT Health France was founded in early 2017 and has five collaborators. The TRIDIMEO solutions integrate a new technology, called spectrally-coded-light 3D scanner, which was invented at the French Research Laboratory CEA. The current project aims at exploring the advantages of snapshot, 3D multispectral imaging for teledermatology.

TRIDIMEO's 3D Multispectral imaging solution makes it possible to access to the “true” color of the skin, as well as its optical spectrum, by accounting for the effects of both the shape of the skin surface and the "color" of the ambient light. This can not only bring more comprehensive optical data to the dermatologist but can also provide him with more consistent/normalized data that are far less sensitive to the acquisition conditions (ambient light, photographer, etc.) than those obtained with regular digital cameras.

The TRIDIMEO team has already developed an initial version of the software for 3D multispectral scanning of skin and have started the production of a prototype of 3D multispectral camera adapted to skin scanning in terms of field of view and resolution.

The capability of the technology to provide relevant optical data from skin will be evaluated though measurements with actual patients in a hospital in early March 2018. A collaboration with the hospital researchers and dermatologists will aim at showing the advantages of snapshot, 3D multispectral imaging for certain skin pathology diagnosis or monitoring.


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