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EIT Health-supported Vigo now classified as a medical device in the European Union

EIT Health-supported Vigo now classified as a medical device in the European Union

Vigo app gains CE mark.

From May, 2020 stroke survivors in Latvia (and later in other countries in the EU) will have access to evidence-based digital therapeutics for a disease that creates the most long term disabilities. In contrast to other stroke related software available in clinics, Vigo is available at home, thereby reducing the risk of being infected by COVID19. 

Kristaps Krafte, Vigo's CEO and co-founder, was nominated by EIT Health for the 2019 EIT CHANGE Award.



Vigo app is digital therapy for stroke recovery that provides personalised treatment on demand, through a software application. The app uses artificial intelligence to allow the provision of personalised care with minimal involvement from human rehabilitation experts, and is available 24 per day, seven days per week.

Find out more about Vigo by clicking on the image
