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Join EIT Health’s Accelerator Programme

Join now EIT Health’s Accelerator Programme

EIT Health’s Accelerator Programme has just published its “Invitation for Programme Participation 2017”, outlining the possibilities for partners, external startups and individuals to apply for funding and other support in 2017. 

The EIT Health Accelerator creates an ecosystem where innovation can thrive. It gathers the best and brightest health industry entrepreneurs, and provides them with the support, skills and services that they need to get their ideas off the ground and into the market. The Accelerator is open to all business ideas coming from Campus projects, like Summer Schools, Innovation Projects, and other Accelerator pre-seed scouting activities.

The “Invitation for Programme Participation 2017”contains details for anyone interested in participating in the INCUBATE!, ACTIVATE and SCALE activity lines, all of which seek to support startups and entrepreneurs and SMEs developing healthcare innovations. 


In the INCUBATE! activity line, innovation training and support activities, like Launchlab or other Boot Camp programmes, help entrepreneurs to create a business plan out of an initial business idea, in the course of a two-month programme. Furthermore, local training activities are organised to augment existing programmes at CLCs, with a focus on key skills in the healthcare sector.

In the VALIDATE! activity line, a strong emphasis is placed on helping start-ups and entrepreneurs to use suitable Living Labs and Test Beds, as well as other market coaching expertise within the community. These activities help entrepreneurs gain an understanding of local/regional regulatory and reimbursement schemes, by providing access to a wide network of market experts with specific local knowledge.

In the SCALE! activity line, there will be a major focus on developing tools and networks that can provide financing for projects and small SMEs, as well as efforts to facilitate access to potential investors, such as angel networks, corporate financers and crowd funders. Furthermore, Go Global programmes will support European start-ups and scale-ups in the domain of MedTech, BioTech and Digital Health, so that they can expand in Europe, the United States, Brazil, China and other international markets. This business creation supply chain will be key to ensuring both the acceleration of innovation projects and access to relevant facilities for start-ups and SMEs throughout the consortium.

Submission deadline: 31 March 2017

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