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EIT Digital released report on Slovak innovation ecosystems of the future

EIT Digital released report on Slovak innovation ecosystems of the future

EIT Digital and CIVITTA launched a new report that presents the innovation ecosystems in Slovakia and discusses sector-specific innovation communities’ potential.

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The beginning of a new decade asks for a fresh perspective on the local innovation ecosystem of Slovakia. On the one hand, one can identify the increasing quality and ambitions of Slovak founders, as well as increasing interest and support for open innovation initiatives from corporates and universities. On the other hand, start-ups and innovation initiatives are starting to have a more concrete, sector-specific character and cannot be put into a single category anymore.

The formation of these specific communities may represent a turning point and a tremendous opportunity for the Slovak innovation ecosystem. Sector-specific communities of entrepreneurs, corporates, and researchers can be better positioned to retain and attract talent, create meaningful connections between start-ups, corporates, and universities, or make the regional Research and development (R&D) base more attractive and investable. They can generate more tailor-made support for entrepreneurs by aggregating valuable sector-specific knowledge, streamlining growth opportunities, and engaging the local or regional economies.

If well supported and nurtured, sector-specific innovation communities can drive the growth, competitiveness, and attractiveness of Slovakia’s regional economies. This report puts five emerging innovation communities to the forefront of a wider discussion: healthcare, climate resilience, fintech, digital and creative, and mobility. The list is of course not exhaustive and offers a slightly simplified overview, but this publication hopes to ignite a discussion on the subject.

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This report is a result of the collaboration under the ARISE Europe Programme between EIT Digital and CIVITTA Slovakia, one of the Central European leaders in providing consulting services covering the entire innovation cycle.

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