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Innovators mobilise for EIT Information Day in Brussels

EIT Info Day 13 February 2018

The EIT Information Day was held for the 2018 Call for Proposals for two new Innovation Communities, EIT Urban Mobility and EIT Manufacturing.


The EIT Information Day gave innovators interested in forming one of these Innovation Communities an unrivalled opportunity to hear what’s needed and what’s expected directly from representatives of the EIT, the existing Innovation Communities, and several Directorates General from the European Commission.

The full-house, and the hundreds more joining via the livestream, watched presentations, followed panel discussions and received information that gave useful guidance to potential applicants in submitting high quality and successful proposals. In addition to hearing first-hand about the EIT’s mission, its future post 2021, the underlying philosophy of the 2018 Call for Proposals, the evaluation process and the Call roadmap, the principles of funding, monitoring and evaluating were also presented.

The entire event was streamed live; recordings of each session are available on the EIT's Youtube Channel.

Morning sessions

The morning session's presenters are listed below in chronological order, and links to associated presentations are provided:

Jean-Philippe Gammel, Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics

Begoña Arano, Head of Unit, Innovation and the EIT, DG EAC 

The EIT’s mission, priorities and future outlook - Martin Kern, EIT Interim Director

Powering innovators in a unique European innovation ecosystem - Rajai Aghabi, CEO, EOLOS Floating LIDAR Solutions

Becoming an Innovation Community - Márton Herczeg, Head of Unit Impact and Strategy, EIT

The EIT funding model and grant cycle - Dávid Tas, Head of Section Grant Assurance, EIT

The EIT monitoring framework - Michal Gorzynski, Head of Section Impact, EIT

What makes a successful EIT Innovation Community? - Panel discussion with Mathea Fammels (EIT),  Manuel Irun Molina (EIT) and Thorsten Koenig (EIT Food)


Afternoon session

During the afternoon session on ‘Synergies and Complementarities between the EIT Community and other EU Policy and Funding Instruments’, the following gave presentations:

Katerina Sereti, Policy Officer, EIT

Henriette Van-Eijl, Policy Officer, DG MOVE

Olivier Chassagne, Policy Officer, DG GROW

Gauthier Grousset, Policy Officer, DG EAC

Beate Greinjert, Policy Officer, DG REGIO

Neville Reeve, Policy Officer, DG RTD

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